Congratulations to Dr. Newhall and Dr. Donnell for making the Top Doctors list in Chicago Magazine and 100 Top Rated Allergists on Spokin!
Tel: 773-388-2322 Fax: 773-388-2333
Billing: 224-238-4160
Expert allergist care
for children and adults
Education and Resources
Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis
Spokin: Great resource for food allergy awareness, education, and social support. Provides a platform for multiple levels of education, including sharing experiences, food allergy tips, how to use epinephrine injectors, or finding recommendations for allergists, restaurants, and more. See the "Newly Diagnosed" section in the Featured Content tab.
Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Connection Team (FACT): Very good educational site for food allergy education, including a "Newly Diagnosed" section.
Food Allergy Counselor: Great resource helping with the stress of food allergy life, including a podcast and directory of counselors.
Find a Food Allergy Therapist: Searchable database for psychologists and counselors who specialize in food allergy care.
Lauren's Hope: Fashionable medical identification bracelets and necklaces for all ages.
Equal Eats: travel resource, created by an adult with multiple food allergies who loves to empower safety in international travel.
Allergy Free and Gluten Free Passport: Lots and lots and lots and lots of great travel information.
Celiac Travel: Great resource for gluten avoidance tips, including a free restaurant card.
Select Wisely: Order laminated cards for food avoidance and travel, including translations in multiple languages.
Kids with Food Allergies: Includes recipes, food allergy resources, allergy alerts, and an Allergy Buyer's Guide.
Enjoy Life: Food products that are free of gluten and most common food allergens. Recipes and tips for preparing foods.
MOCHA: Local support group and lots of allergy resources and support for parents of children with allergies.
Auvi-Q: Info about this popular epinephrine injector, as well as much info in the Resources section about food allergy for all ages.
Epipen: Lots of good information regarding anaphylaxis management. Check the video on how to use an Epipen.
MedicAlert: Wide variety of custom-labeled jewelry to assist in patient allergy identification during an emergency.
Every Body Eat: Chicagoland women created these great snack thins, free of common allergens. You can find them at local stores.
Hungry Harry's: Top food allergen-free baking mixes from a family who knows the importance of avoiding contaminants.
Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome (FPIES)
FPIES University: Helpful info and videos for lots of FPIES topics.
The FPIES Foundation: Oodles of info regarding FPIES, for patients, families, and healt care providers.
Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE) and other Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Diseases (EGIDs)
APFED: Support and education for patients with eosinophil-associated diseases, including good EoE and EGID resources.
American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology: Brief overview of EoE info, diagnostics, and treatment strategies.
CURED: Support and education for patients and families with EoE or other EGIDs, including school advocacy resouces and research trial opportunities.
Pollen and Mold Counts
National Allergy Bureau: Daily pollen and mold counts reported with an option to receive this information by e-mail.
Spacer Devices and Aerochambers: Important video instructions on how to use and how to clean a "spacer", also called a "valved holding chamber". These devices are very helpful for improving the good effects of asthma pump inhaler medicine and reducing their possible side effects. The video, and the handouts links below the video, use a specific brand called "Aerochamber", but the directions will apply to other brands of spacers. For very good PDF instructions, click on the links below the video labeled either "Small Mask/Medium Mask" for kids or "Large Mask/Mouthpiece" for older kids and adults.
Spacer Device Instructions: this link has more picture-friendly education about using spacers correctly, from an organization called the Neighborhood Health Plan. These might be a little better for those who like simple image instructions. The first page is for big kids and adults who can hold their breath for ten seconds, the second page for smaller kids who need a mask to help with coordination.
Asthma.com: Well-produced website with good information about asthma and its complicated nature.
Allergy & Asthma Network: Includes videos covering asthma basics and the details of inhalers switching to HFA propellants.
Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America: Excellent multimedia library and other resources for asthma education.
American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology: Good overview of key asthma topics and many related links.
American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology: "Asthma 101" education and other really good info as an intro to asthma.
American Lung Association: Link to education and support for asthma and other chronic lung diseases. A great place to find local support groups and assistance with quitting smoking.
General Allergy Education and Tools
American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology: Excellent allergy and asthma resources for many conditions.
American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology: See the "Allergy Resources" and "Asthma Resources" for great educational resources and tools.
Allergy & Asthma Network: a world of info about common allergic conditions.
Air Quality Control
Find an Indoor Environmental Consultant: Tool for finding a certified Indoor Environmental Consultant (CIEC or CIE) or Environmental Allergen Consultant (CEAC or CEA) by state to inspect your home for assistance with air quality improvement.
EPA Indoor Air Quality Home: Many resources to understand home, school, and business air quality, with good educational and functional tools. Includes information about mold and asthma.
Achoo! Allergy and Air Products: Supplier for multiple aids for allergy avoidance.
Insect sting Allergy
Insect Stings and Bites: Informational video about insect sting allergic reactions and how they differ from insect bite reactions.
American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology: Great education about insect sting allergy and its management. See the "Patient Education" section for great educational resources and tools.